Aug 24, 2012

Everyday Mom

Part of the reason I started this blog is to be the Anti-Pinterest Mom. As I mentioned yesterday, I'm not perfect. For the same reasons I avoid parenting, fashion, and fitness magazines, I avoid perusing Pinterest and keeping up with the Jones' in Mommy-Blogger-Land. I don't know many moms who are the "whole" package: impeccably dressed, shiny tresses, could bake the hell of a gluten-free, vegan chocolate cake, run the PTA, balance Lacrosse, Parkour, and Independent classical vocal training for three different kids, create 30 scrapbooks of her daughter's Third-Grade field trip to The Seattle Aquarium to give to the entire class, keep her house looking like an Ethan Allen catalogue, cook gourmet meals that are set perfectly on the table at 6:00 p.m. and still has the energy and the interest in showing her man a good time after the kids are in bed *wink*. If I did know that mom, I'd probably avoid her like the plague, because chances are good she's an evil freak that would suck the funky lifeforce out of you before you could say "Organic Oreos".

My point is, most moms I know are good at one or two things, and the rest of the time, they're just trying to keep themselves level enough not to lose their over-tasked brains. Oh, sure, back when I was a mom of *one* I thought I was uber-awesome. I went to Mommy-and-Me,  we went to the park every afternoon, we went to the zoo, museums, I sent him to a great pre-school, I would actually sit and watch cartoons with him, I would listen to him when he told me stories that took 5 minutes to tell and all I heard was that a turtle and a mouse did something somewhere, and it was neat. One year I even tried to actually *sew* his halloween costume from one of those patterns you buy at JoAnne Fabric ... hahahahahaha! Even my overly-supportive mom told me to just give up. Not so much anymore. I have *three* kids, I work part-time, I help my husband operate his start-up painting company, I manage all the bills, stocking of household supplies, grocery shopping, meal planning, laundry, keeping my bathroom relatively sanitary, taking kids to and from school, sports and other social activities, and yes, making time for my husband. Oh, and I'm also an active member in the PTSA. You're lucky this blog is even moderatly edited. :) I know a mom who kicks ass at creating scrapbooks, homemade cards, crepes, sewing, photography, and is super good at finding dahling outfits at consignment shops, but she is terrible at organizing her house, car, etc (Love you Min!!!). And then there's me, I am organized, super-duper organized (I track every household and business expense in Quicken, for example); but I couldn't collage my son's art project for his third-grade class auction project, so I went to Melinda for that. If Melinda needs me to organize her craft room one of these days, I'm on it - just as soon as my children stop saying my name 10 times in one second while they're trying to get my attention.

We all have a gift, and we all need to recognize in ourselves what that gift is. Don't worry if you aren't enlightening your kids every second of every day, don't worry if you aren't able to give 100 percent of yourself to the 1000's of things you do every day. I always say, "I'll have more time, than I had living with my kids, to have a spotless house and spend quiet evenings on the couch with my husband after the kids are grown." Most of us are doing the very best we can, and our kids love us for that, even if they don't act like it. Give yourself a pat on the back for your small victory each day. Hooray, the kids were on time to school! Hooray, vegetables were eaten at dinner tonight! Hooray, I bought cookies at QFC 10 minutes before school started because I forgot I volunteered to provide something for the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon!

So many moms make this business of parenting a competition. We're all our own people. We all have what works for us, and if it's not working, we figure it out .... eventually. Be proud of who you are, even if you cook all your meals from a box in the microwave or your idea of bonding with your child is going to a movie, because all your kid cares about is that you're mom. That's all. You are Mom.


  1. I love this. So nicely put Rachel, you rock btw. Probably have lots of talents you don't give yourself credit for. I do feel as though you are speaking directly to me so far ;)
