Apr 18, 2013

Why little drops Reaction to Dove's "Real Beauty Sketches" Makes me Uncomfortable ... and Angry

After I got up from reading this post: http://jazzylittledrops.tumblr.com/post/48118645174/why-doves-real-beauty-sketches-video-makes-me I started putting away dishes. And as I usually do when I get fired up about something I have an internal dialogue, refuting all her points that pissed me off. As I slammed dishes onto the counter, I had these thoughts.

Guess what, dude, maybe because Dove is a company that is obviously launching an advertising campaign they are targeting their customers. Maybe they know more white women buy their products. Maybe if this was a Ken Burns documentary, we'd see every one's reaction. But, no, this was essentially an ad. Just like Folgers like to make me cry with the soldier who comes home Christmas morning and his mom practically faints from joy; so, too is Dove trying to get an *emotional* response from their target audience. Why? Oh, because *emotions* trigger us to *buy*. Yeah, so maybe we shouldn't be so hard on the *company* that is trying to sell us something. We KNOW that. We're women! We ARE smart AND beautiful ... and guess what ... as human women, that's part of our POWER.

I mean, why don't we tell Mr. Peacock (pictured above), Hey, buddy, calm down, you can get the ladies without plumping up those tail feathers. I mean, I'm pretty sure the Old Ladies Peacock Club didn't get together in the 50's and determine that they need to undermine male Peacocks by telling them the only way they're worthwhile is if they keep those plumes in tiptop shape. That comes pretty naturally. As it does with us, you know, WOMEN. And males, if I should be so bold to say so. Consumerism drives males and females equally - Hey, guys, grow your hair, maintain your hard on, trim that beard, don't stink!

And if there is more concentration on females it's because (ta-da!) we traditionally are the spenders! Advertisers: they know what they're doing. Really.

Just like I won't let a man tell me what to believe, I won't let this feminist-on-steroids tell me what is truth and what's a lie. I CHOOSE to use beauty to feel empowered. Women have greater power than men BECAUSE we can illicit responses (yes, I'm referring to sexual attraction) in our male counterparts, or not. Men (really, just people in general, but maybe men more so) are attracted to bright and shiny things. Yeah, that includes heterosexuals and homosexuals. Have you ever noticed that some homosexual men like to primp as much, if not more than some women? Right, so there is power in "beauty". It IS one of our powers, as we have MANY and men KNOW this. Men have known for millions of years that we wield greater power than they do because we are the vessels for the continuation of our species. No doubt misogynists have wreaked havoc on females for centuries. But, here's the deal, I don't need some party pooper to tell me I shouldn't use beauty to feel empowered. I am woman, hear me roar: I LIKE TO FEEL BEAUTIFUL.


  1. I saw that commercial...What I got from it was that women and people in general are prettier than they think themselves to be. and that Dove, in of course a blatant attempt to sell more soap, Is using this to show you that you are in general prettier than you make yourself out to be...makeup or no. maybe i missed something but yeah :)

    1. This is a response to a response. Click the link on the top and that will lead you to what I am referring to.
